I’ve biked 50+ miles in the new Abus GameChanger 2.0 and it’s now my favorite helmet

The author is the Abus GameChanger 2.0 MIPs helmet.
(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

As an avid city cyclist, I’m pretty choosy about my bike helmet. For the past few years, I’ve been rocking the excellent Lumos Ultra MIPS, which just so happens to be one of the best bike helmets on the market. 

However, I recently got my hands on the new Abus GameChanger 2.0 road biking helmet, and let’s just say there’s a new favorite in town.

Perhaps MindChanger would have been a better name for this Italian-made, ultra-lightweight cranium protector. With roughly 50 miles of riding behind me, I have almost nothing but positive impressions to share. This is especially true when it comes to comfort and design. 

Moreover, for the foreseeable future, the Abus GameChanger 2.0 is my new go-to helmet of choice. What follows are the five main reasons why.

Abus GameChanger 2.0 deal

Abus GameChanger 2.0: was $229 now $216 @ All City Cycle

Abus GameChanger 2.0: was $229 now $216 @ All City Cycle
The Abus GameChanger 2.0 recently launched. Even though I'm still assessing it for inclusion in our best bike helmet guide, it's quickly become my go-to after roughly 50 miles of riding. Lightweight, comfy and adjustable, it has the latest MIPS safety tech and boasts an aerodynamic design. 

Lightweight and aerodynamic design

Look, I have absolutely no need for a racing-caliber bike helmet, but here we are. The GameChanger 2.0 is designed to be as lightweight and aerodynamic as possible to maximize your speed and decrease drag. 

While I’ve noticed little to no improvement in my Strava riding times, I do appreciate how barely there the Abus feels. Weighing just 275 grams, it’s among the lightest helmets we’ve ever reviewed here at TG, comparable to the (significantly more affordable) Giro Register MIPS

Abus GameChanger 2.0 bike helmet with MIPS in white.

(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

Lots of vents 

With no shortage of vents, including a gridded vent on the top and two rather larger ones at the rear of the helmet, airflow and breathability are fantastic. I’ve yet to ride with the GameChanger 2.0 in very hot weather but I certainly look forward to it. 

Comfortable and adjustable 

Abus GameChanger 2.0 bike helmet with MIPS in white.

(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

Like most modern bike helmets, this one has a small wheel on the back that can be used to dial in a desired tightness. This mechanism works reliably and in small increments, so it’s easy to get the fit just right. 

Abus GameChanger 2.0 bike helmet with MIPS in white.

(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

The interior offers a healthy amount of padded sweat-absorbing strips strategically placed anywhere the helmet makes contact with your head. Padding around the brow is also well-cushioned and comfy.

Best-in-class safety tech

Abus GameChanger 2.0 bike helmet with MIPS in white.

(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

The Abus GameChanger 2.0 helmet features MIPS safety technology, which is widely considered the best of the best when it comes to reducing severe head injuries. 

Initially designed for motorcyclists, MIPS stands for Multi-directional Impact Protection System. It works by rotating slightly upon impact to redirect energy away from the rider's head.  

A nifty magnetic buckle and glasses holder

Abus GameChanger 2.0 bike helmet with MIPS in white.

(Image credit: Dan Bracaglia/Future)

Sometimes, the littlest things can have the biggest impact, like the buckle on the GameChanger 2.0. Rather than snapping into place like a standard buckle, the two sides slide into place and lock magnetically. Why is this so great? Unlike more pedestrian options, this one doesn’t catch on my beard hairs. 

Another cool feature I missed at first is the built-in glasses holder: two plastic loops can be deployed from the inside of the helmet to hold your specs in place by the arms. 

My new favorite helmet

Helmets come and go but I have a feeling I’ll be holding on to this one for a long time. My only complaint? At $230, it isn’t cheap. Also, for the price, a removable visor would have been a nice touch. But hey, that would detract from it's classy, aerodynamic, Italian design. 

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Dan Bracaglia
Senior Writer, Fitness & Wearables

Dan Bracaglia covers fitness and consumer technology with an emphasis on wearables for Tom's Guide. Based in the US Pacific Northwest, Dan is an avid outdoor adventurer who dabbles in everything from kayaking to snowboarding, but he most enjoys exploring the cities and mountains with his small pup, Belvedere. Dan is currently training to climb some of Washington State's tallest peaks. He's also a big photography nerd.