Ditch sit-ups — this 5-move abs workout builds core strength and improves your posture in just 10 minutes

10-minute ab workouts: Bicycle crunch
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

I don't think I'm alone in saying sit-ups aren't fun. I don't know if it's because I need to have someone or something there to make sure my feet stay put on the ground during the full movement or because I don't like the way my back interacts with the hard ground (unless I'm working out on one of the best yoga mats) as I lift on and off the floor during a sit-up.

Thankfully, there are more ways to build a stronger core than just with sit-ups and this five move routine from trainer Kayla Itsines is just one example of many. Plus, there is no equipment involved and it only takes 10 minutes to complete. So, you can fit into your day fuss-free.

Form is essential in any workout, and ab exercises are no exception. Maintaining good form ensures you target the right muscles, avoid injury, and get the most out of your exercise. First and foremost, always engage your core—this can easily slip as you add more exercises, but it’s key to a successful workout. 

To help engage your core properly, imagine pulling your belly button in toward your spine. Additionally, focus on slow, controlled movements to maximize time under tension with each exercise. 

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Elite Sportz sliders: $6 @ Amazon
Sliders are fantastic at working your core hard. Simply place them beneath your hands or feet to level up your workouts for mountain climbers, archer push-ups, or anything in between. And these ones work on any surface!

Watch Kayla Itsines' 10-minute Ab Routine

Here's a little breakdown of how many reps to complete for each move and the video where Itsines demonstrates each exercise.

  • High Plank & Alternating Superman (16 reps, 8 each side)
  • Caterpillar Walk & Half Burpee (12 reps)
  • Sprawl (10 reps)
  • Extended Side Plank (20 seconds)
  • Ab Bike & Toe Tap (20 reps, 10 per side)
  • Repeat for three rounds!

This abs workout is far from a standard sit-ups-and-planks routine that can feel less and less inspiring the more rounds you do! Although there are three rounds to complete with this 10-minute session, coach Itsines has spiced up some of the moves in this routine, combining two exercises into one to add an extra challenge. Her choice of exercises also embraces a mix of positions so you aren't just crunching and twisting from the same old lying down position for the full duration of the workout.

Her choice of exercises also embraces a mix of positions so you aren't just crunching and twisting from the same old lying down position for the full duration of the workout.

You'll note there aren't any rest periods, which is because, in a high-intensity ab workout like this one, the goal is to keep your core engaged and under constant tension. This can be achieved without taking breaks between exercises, as the muscles are relatively small and can recover quickly.

However, if you're new to working out, or if you find yourself struggling to maintain good form as you progress through each round of the routine, it's perfectly fine to take short breaks between exercises. A good rule of thumb is to rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute between rounds. This will allow your muscles to recover slightly before you start the next round.

While you won’t wake up to a set of washboard abs after one session of Itsines’ routine, it’s a great workout to incorporate into your regular fitness regimen if you’re aiming to build a strong core and toned abs. This ab circuit builds strength and definition by targeting all the major core muscles, including your rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. These muscles work together to support your spine, improve your posture, and enhance your overall strength and stability.

If you keep up with regular ab training and notice some exercises feel like less of a challenge on your core muscles, consider adding weights like a pair of the best adjustable dumbbells to increase the intensity of your workouts and keep up the gains.

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Jessica Downey
Fitness Writer

Jessica is an experienced fitness writer with a passion for running. Her love for keeping fit and fueling her body with healthy and enjoyable food quite naturally led her to write about all things fitness and health-related. If she isn’t out testing the latest fitness products such as the latest running shoe or yoga mat for reviewing then she can be found writing news and features on the best ways to build strength, active aging, female health, and anything in between. Before then she had a small stint writing in local news, has also written for Runners World UK (print and digital), and gained experience with global content marketing agency, Cedar Communications.

Born and raised in Scotland, Jessica is a massive fan of exercising and keeping active outdoors. When at home she can be found running by the sea, swimming in it, or up a mountain. This continued as she studied and trained to become a PPA-accredited magazine journalist in Wales. And since working and living in London, she splits her time between weight training in the gym, trying new fitness classes, and finding scenic running routes. Jessica enjoys documenting this on her fitness-inspired Instagram page @jessrunshere where she loves engaging with like-minded fitness junkies.

She is a big fan of healthy cooking and loves learning more about this area with expert nutritionists she has met over the years. Jessica is a big advocate for building healthy relationships with food rather than building restrictive attitudes towards it. When she isn’t eating or running she also enjoys practicing yoga in her free time as it helps her to unwind and benefits her performance in other sports.