The Desk Every Modern School Should Have

We're not sure if any other furniture vendor sells anything like this: a desk designed for the class room with slots designed for hidden flat screen displays. Push a button, and out pops the LCD screen—and presumably the mouse and keyboard.

Ki's motorized desk has other applications beyond the classroom too. The company's product is a great way to fulfill your evil genius lair dream. Just set up one desk for each of your henchmen, and you can plot world dominion in style. The Flat Screen Garage is also perfect for the office setting—at least in companies where access to digital data is paramount.

But this special table is definitely best for the school setting. Sit your students down, and watch their eyes pop as their computers unveil themselves automatically. As this video—which features the appropriate mood music—illustrates, it's possible to remotely reveal or hide the desk displays.

The Flat Screen Garage's unique feature could also keep the class interested. Spend the first half on boring lectures, then call an intermission for the students to witness the computers appear before them. An easy way to get rid of boredom and sleepiness!

How much does the Ki Flat Screen Garage cost? You'll have to inquire directly with Ki. Both one- and two-seater variants are available.

Ki Flat Screen Garage

Rico Mossesgeld
Contributing writer

Rico was a contributing writer at Tom's Guide. Based in the Philippines, Rico was plugged into the latest tech news to cover the latest future-gazing products and industry announcements. Rico no longer actively writes for Tom's Guide, and now works as a systems engineer. During his time at the site, he covered topics such as robotics, home office products and retro video games.

  • This has been around for a while.. they had them when i was in college 5 years ago..
  • hang-the-9
    We have some similar desks at work, very clean looking for meetings, yet you have a PC monitor when needed. The issue with this is the cost of having a computer at every desk, which I'm sure very very few schools have.
  • vcbb10
    How well do they handle gum and kicks?
  • dochood
    Yeah, they aren't wasting enough money on crap as it is... they need to shell out hundreds for "high tech" desks. Maybe they could spend that on teaching reading, writing, and science?
  • bogcotton
    hang-the-9We have some similar desks at work, very clean looking for meetings, yet you have a PC monitor when needed. The issue with this is the cost of having a computer at every desk, which I'm sure very very few schools have.
    Only a monitor and a very minor computer to communicate with an operating system on one central machine with multiple virtual machines over the network is needed.
    Please someone correct my wording, I'm not a massive IT guy.
  • icepick314
    while it's neat, I rather have LCD arm attached to the desk so I can have some control over placement of the screen depending on the need...

    most have portrait or landscape pivot so you can read the entire web page or a large picture on a single screen instead of scrolling constantly....
  • Flakes
    few schools could afford this. maybe a university but a high/middle school not a chance.
  • grieve
    Waste of money these desks are.
    Schools should run a citrix environment with thin clients to connect... this is far cheaper then a PC for everyone. Also the school district would have full control over the software the kids have access to during class. Bub-by Facebook and messenger and all other time wasters.
  • tsnorquist
    While the concept looks great, I still have issues with "modern schools" when teachers are being let go left and right.

    Use the money that you'd spend on this for teachers, chalkboards, paper, and writing tools.

    That seemed to worked fine when I went to school.
  • Glorian
    I was a computer teacher at an elementary school for 2 years and I would look though the catalogs with similar desks and only dream of having the budget to buy such a thing, that desk alone probably cost more than the 20 computers in the lab the school had. It would have helped a lot in my situation as the room was dual purpose and art classes would be held in there. Getting paint off keyboards is a bitch, and the prices are probably unrealistic.