Bing's Porn Content Gets NSFW Server

Last week we reported that Microsoft's Bing "decision" engine can track down and play an impressive "wall of porn," displaying actual thumbnail-sized clips of video when end-users place the mouse cursor over the desired clip.

Microsoft has taken quite a bit of heat over this eye-opening feature, even provoking Bing's general manager Mike Nichols to speak out and remind consumers that, hey, Bing filters the naughtiness by default.

But to make sure Bing offers even more control to its users, Microsoft said today that it has implemented two changes that should help keep the explicit material at bay. "First, potentially explicit images and video content will now be coming from a separate single domain,," said Mike Nichols. He added that this new server will actually be invisible to the end-user, but should allow filtering by domain regardless of what the SafeSearch settings might be. In other words, if someone turns off SafeSearch, explicit material can still be filtered via the source domain.

Microsoft will also begin returning source url information in the query string for images and video content. Companies that already use this type of filter can now catch explicit content on Bing along with everything else they are already blocking for their customers. Nichols presented an image and an example url in the blog, however the returned result only pulled up a dog... really.

Unfortunately, Bing doesn't offer hard-core settings to keep resourceful children from unlocking the SafeSearch feature. For now, parents will need to install a 3rd party solution that will monitor things while their kids surf the net. Perhaps Microsoft will devise of a plan soon that will enable the ability to turn SafeSearch off only if users are logged in to a validated MSN account.

Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • aspireonelover
  • oersis
    i agree with loggin method
  • dragonfang18
    Wow... people used it for porn so much it took this much time for them to respond back to it.... I am IMPRESSED! Good job guys!
  • falchard
    I love BING, it is a very impressive search engine.
  • dragonfang18
    me 2 I use it second to google.
  • cruiseoveride
    whats the deal with sex anyways.

    A 10 yr old has probably seen what Rambo can do with a machine gun

    You can enlist in the army at the age of 17 and start killing people. but you aren't allowed to drink until you're 21.

    The legal system in the US is seriously flawed.
  • Ciuy
    i dont get it, whats so bad if children see a porn site???? WTF they get cancer or what?
    Jesus let them see wtf to do and how, filter the homosexual content and stuff only ...
  • ta152h
    You know, I really don't like Microsoft, but I really do appreciate what they've done with porn. I hope they don't water it down because people complain.

    Hell, I'll complain too so I sound holier than though too. But, not at the risk of them diluting the wall of porn that is quickly becoming part of the fabric of American culture. It's got to stop before we lose this! What is it to be American, but to enjoy porn? Microsoft should be applauded for making it even easier with their mouse over play feature. It's this type of innovation that shows Microsoft isn't wasting their billions in research dollars.

    I would suggest they rename Internet Explorer though. The name is real lame. I'd suggest "Porn Surfer", and the use of more sexually explicit controls. Or maybe they could do this as a special edition version of Internet Explorer, like those Monopoly special editions. And then refuse to allow this to be distributed to EU countries. Can you imagine the Dutch if they were denied the "Porn Surfer"? They'd leave the EU. Other people rebel against their government and finally put an end to the incessant fining if they were missing out on "feature rich" products like the Porn Surfer. Not that they'd admit to liking porn, of course, they'd say they were just supporting freedom of expression, or something like that.

  • NuclearShadow
    Well Ciuy there are many reasons. Children shouldn't be exposed to sexual content at young ages and should be old enough to be taught responsibility and fully grasp what sex is before being exposed to it. There is no doubt that the average age of when kids first have sex is shrinking and this is no doubt because of our culture overwhelming with sexual messages. The last thing we need is to expose our children to porn and make the problem worse.

    Also your a foolish bigot. Take your homophobic comments elsewhere.
  • ravewulf
    Ciuyi dont get it, whats so bad if children see a porn site???? WTF they get cancer or what?Jesus let them see wtf to do and how, filter the homosexual content and stuff only ...I'm gay, have a bit of tact OK?

    I personally like porn, but it is probably best to "protect the children." Although that's not to say resourceful older teens who are actively searching for the stuff won't be able to get at it (I know I was able to ;) )