How to Get iTunes Extras on Apple TV

Apple fans who are also film buffs can rejoice: iTunes Extras is now compatible with Apple TV. This functionality adds standard DVD extras to HD movies from iTunes, such as director commentaries, deleted scenes and art galleries.

Apple detailed the new development in a specifications document for the iTunes Extras 5.2 update. iTunes Extras has been available on the iTunes desktop application for some time, but neither iOS nor Apple TV has had access to it before. Since Apple TV sells itself as a comprehensive living room entertainment center, having the same amenities as Blu-ray disc is an important feature.

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Here's all you need to do to get it:

1) Update your Apple TV: As long as your Apple TV is connected to the Internet, it should automatically update its software. If, for whatever reason, the update does not happen automatically, users can select Settings, General and Update Software from the Apple TV's main menu in order to check manually.

2) Accessing special features from the opening menu: Getting to the special features is simple for anyone who has ever used a DVD menu before. When opening an HD movie (the feature does not work with SD content), users can choose between watching the film or watching the special features.

iTunes Extras on Apple TV marks one of the few times a special feature has arrived on Apple TV before an Apple mobile device. Apple has announced that iTunes Extras will hit iOS 8 when the operating system launches this fall, however.

While iTunes Extras may not be the most crucial feature the Apple TV needs right now, it's still a nice touch for people who wanted to know what was going through Ridley Scott's mind when he added the ill-received narration to the theatrical cut of "Blade Runner."

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Marshall Honorof

Marshall Honorof is a senior editor for Tom's Guide, overseeing the site's coverage of gaming hardware and software. He comes from a science writing background, having studied paleomammalogy, biological anthropology, and the history of science and technology. After hours, you can find him practicing taekwondo or doing deep dives on classic sci-fi. 

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