This iPhone 4S Mod Lets You Charge Your Phone Wirelessly

Charging a phone wirelessly? Doesn't the technology already exist?

Well, yes. But options like the Powermat involve charging your phone wirelessly with a jacket. However, Tanveer, a doctor who moonlights as a modder, has come up with an iPhone mod to allow you to charge your phone without having to cover it up in a jacket.

Do note that if you try this mod yourself, you will revoke the warranty on your iPhone.

Before you begin, the mod requires a prebuilt wireless charger such as the Powermat, basic soldering skills, a spare charger port assembly, a thin wire gauge, and an iPhone 4S.

The process involves soldering wires from the charging port to specific pins (which he details in the video) on the spare charger port assembly. The wires then need to connect to the USB points on the wireless receiver. The wireless charging circuit apparently adds, according to his video, an extra millimeter of thickness to your iPhone. In order to make extra room, you'll have to remove a metal plate from the back glass of the 4S original cover.

After you reattach the cover, you're all set. You should be able to charge simply by putting your iPhone 4S down to charge. Twirl it all about… it'll keep charging. 

Catherine Cai is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Tom's Guide, Tom's Hardware, VG 24/7, RipTen, and The Game Fanatics. She has also worked as a lead producer for video game projects, a manager and lighting director for the stage, and a software engineer. Currently, she works as a Production Engineering Manager for Shopify.

  • chromonoid
    Woow... cool, thanks Tesla!
  • Kami3k
    Would prefer if someone made a mod where Apple stuff was stopped on Toms.
  • blazorthon
    otacon72Like the average Apple buyer is going to have any clue how to do that. They have a hard enough time turning on the device.
    It's quite obviously not something for the average user. I doubt that the average Droid/WP/whatever user could do something like this either.
  • face-plants
    Actually Michael Faraday is credited with discovering induction in 1831.....but regardless, hooray for magnetic induction! Took long enough for it to reach more consumer products besides electric toothbrushes and inductive cooking (in terms of power transfer...yes I know all motors and generators use induction).
    I'm still waiting for someone to invent a way to turn all the flat surfaces in my house (or at least all the counters etc) into inductive chargers able to automatically charge everything at the appropriate voltage/rate.
  • bb33
    And in the end you get a burning iphone in your pocket...
  • blackjackcf
    blazorthonIt's quite obviously not something for the average user. I doubt that the average Droid/WP/whatever user could do something like this either.
    True fact. But it's definitely something neat for mod enthusiasts to check out!

    - Catherine Cai
  • whimseh
    Way too much work.
  • wow. cool. is like I could turn off my tv with the tv remote, but I just have to attach the remote close to the tv to do so???
  • madooo12
    face-plantsActually Michael Faraday is credited with discovering induction in 1831.....but regardless, hooray for magnetic induction! Took long enough for it to reach more consumer products besides electric toothbrushes and inductive cooking (in terms of power transfer...yes I know all motors and generators use induction). I'm still waiting for someone to invent a way to turn all the flat surfaces in my house (or at least all the counters etc) into inductive chargers able to automatically charge everything at the appropriate voltage/rate.but you will loose too much power they are just like electric transformers used in PSUs and stuff, you'd be happy to get 50-60% efficiency or less as the distance will be larger and there would be less permeability, PSU makers actually are happy to get their PSUs cretified for 80% efficiency, the rest would be transformed to heat which is bad too, so the whole idea won't really succeed.

    BTW thanks school
  • shardey
    This isn't wireless. When I think of wireless electricity, Nicholas Tesla comes to mind. Until then, batteries will be fall of our electronics.