How to use AirPods, AirPods Pro and AirPods Max: Tips and general instructions

Change the Display Name of Your AirPods

Rename your AirPods

Rename your AirPods

Customizing your AirPods doesn’t merely stop at the double-tap gesture. You can also set a personalized name for your AirPods, AirPods Pro or AirPods Max, both to make it easier to find in Bluetooth device lists and to give it a fun extra touch.

Here’s how to set a name for your AirPods, using an iOS device.

1. In the Settings menu on your iOS device, select Bluetooth.

Select Bluetooth

Select Bluetooth

2. Tap the AirPods listing.

Tap AirPods Listing

Tap AirPods Listing

3. Select the current name for the AirPods at the top.

select the name

select the name

4. Enter your preferred name for the buds.

Enter new name

Enter new name

5. Tap Done.

And there you have it, your own specially named AirPods.

Sherri L. Smith

Sherri L. Smith has been cranking out product reviews for since 2011. In that time, she's reviewed more than her share of laptops, tablets, smartphones and everything in between. The resident gamer and audio junkie, Sherri was previously a managing editor for Black Web 2.0 and contributed to BET.Com and Popgadget.