How to use AirPods, AirPods Pro and AirPods Max: Tips and general instructions

Using Siri (Voice Controls) With Your AirPods

Tapping the AirPods. Credit: Shaun Lucas / Tom's Guide

(Image credit: Tapping the AirPods. Credit: Shaun Lucas / Tom's Guide)

 It’s hard to imagine a pair of Apple headphones without Siri integration, and summoning the digital assistant is easy. To get Siri’s attention on the standard AirPods, simply double-tap either the left or right AirPod.

It’s even easier to activate Siri on the AirPods Pro and AirPods Max. All you need to do is say “Hey Siri” and the assistant will respond automatically.

The functionality works with both an iPhone or a MacBook

Controlling the Volume with Siri

Ever had your favorite song come on and you're scrambling to find your phone to pump up the volume? The AirPods have an elegant way to deal with this problem --  Siri.  Yes, the digital assistant can do it all, including adjusting your volume.

To raise or lower the volume with Siri:

1. Double-tap either the right or left AirPod to launch Siri.

2. Command Siri to raise or lower the volume using percentages (i.e. "Siri, raise the volume 50 percent.").

Siri can also be used to skip forward or backward on tracks as well as pause or play tracks.

Sherri L. Smith

Sherri L. Smith has been cranking out product reviews for since 2011. In that time, she's reviewed more than her share of laptops, tablets, smartphones and everything in between. The resident gamer and audio junkie, Sherri was previously a managing editor for Black Web 2.0 and contributed to BET.Com and Popgadget.