Know Your Digital Rights! Join Our AMA with the EFF March 4

It's coming up soon! Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware will be hosting an Ask Me Anything session with the Electronic Frontier Foundation on Wed., March 4 starting at 12 p.m. EST. The AMA will be open for a full 24 hours, leaving you plenty of time to ask questions about net neutrality, policy, privacy, advocacy, free speech, and other topics relevant to your digital rights.

What: Ask Me Anything – Electronic Frontier Foundation

When: Wednesday, March 4, 12:00 p.m. EST to Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 p.m. EST.

Where: The Antivirus / Security / Privacy Category of the Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide forums (


Nate Cardozo, EFF Staff Attorney (username: natecardozo)
Parker Higgins, EFF Director of Copyright Activism (username: xor_eff)
Nadia Kayyali, EFF Activist (username: Nadia_K)
Andrew Crocker, EFF Legal Fellow (username: AndrewEFF)
Jeremy Gillula, EFF Staff Technologist (username: jgillula)
Joseph Bonneau, EFF Technology Fellow (username: jcbeff)

Ask Me Anything Rules

• All Rules of Conduct apply.
• Keep questions direct and to the point.
• Avoid opinion bias.
• Be respectful of our guests -- no insults, no leading questions.
• Do not post duplicate questions or repost your question multiple times.
• Not all questions may be answered. Questions may not be answered in the order in which they are received or posted.

This AMA will be a tad different from our usual fare. Because the EFF deals in complex issues, we have compiled an explainer about the EFF and what it does.

What is the Electronic Frontier Foundation?
The EFF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group that advocates for digital rights. It is in favor of privacy, freedom of speech and digital innovation. The organization uses grassroots campaigns, impact litigation and its own technologies to advocate for these causes.

That all sounds cool, but what has it worked on, specifically?
More than we can list here, but we'll list some interesting projects.

The EFF has put together a list of resources regarding the NSA's mass surveillance program, which you can find here.

The organization is also fighting to maintain legal safe harbors for those who jailbreak devices and bypass Digital Rights Managment (DRM) (as long as it's fair use) and it wants the Supreme Court to extend the right to privacy to include genetic material.

The EFF is for net neutrality and an open Internet and has encouraged the public to reach out to the FCC.

The EFF also provides a number of tools, of which the most well-known is the HTTPS Everywhere browser extension. You can find out more about those tools here.

More broadly, the EFF has been tackling free speech, anonymity, net neutrality, encryption, privacy. SOPA/PIPA and more.

I want to be educated going into the AMA. What resources can I look at?
You should probably start with the EFF's website:

You can see what the EFF has been up to lately in the news here:
Also, check out Tom's Guide's latest stories on security.

And I can ask questions about any of these topics? They won't violate the Tom's Community GRAPES policy?
Absolutely! We encourage you to ask any questions you may have about these topics, policy, advocacy and more.

Because the EFF staffers are our guests, no questions about what they do will violate our policy, as long as you keep it civil. Some of these issues are polarizing. Breaking the Ask Me Anything rules may result in a one-day ban from our forums.

What were the pertinent details, again?
When: Wednesday, March 4, 12:00 p.m. EST, and continuing for 24 hours.

Where: The Antivirus / Security / Privacy Category of the Tom's Hardware and Tom's Guide forums (

The thread is locked now, but will unlock when the AMA starts. Be sure to bookmark it!

That sounds awesome! I'll ask lots of great questions.
Great! See you there!

Tom's Guide Staff

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