Gangnam Style Beats Bieber as Most Watched YouTube Video

It's been just four months since Korean pop star PSY's hit song was posted to YouTube, but the video has already surpassed Justin Bieber's 'Baby' as the most watched video of all time.

With 840 million views, PSY is well past the previous record holder, the official video for Justin Bieber's popular 'Baby' track. While both videos have amassed a similarly impressive number of pages views, their audiences are very different. Gangnam Style became a hit for its comedic dance movies and a catchy refrain that took the world by storm. Indeed, you'd be hard pressed to find a club that won't play the tune on a Saturday night. Justin Bieber's 'Baby' video, on the other hand. Well, he's Justin Bieber. The video was propelled by die-hard fans of the Canadian pop star's music.

Justin Bieber's 'Baby' reached the number one spot on YouTube in July 12 2010 and remained the most viewed video on the site until November 24. That means PSY's Gangnam Style hit 806 million views less than a week ago and has already pushed through the 840 million mark.

Samsung recently hired PSY to help launch the Galaxy Note 2. Check out our photos and video here!

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Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • spartanmk2
  • Thunderfox
    Gangnam Style deserves it. What was the #1 video before all the 12 year old girls pushed Bieber over the top a few months ago?
  • xkm121
    hey sexy laaaadies! >_<

  • ksampanna
    ThunderfoxGangnam Style deserves it. What was the #1 video before all the 12 year old girls pushed Bieber over the top a few months ago?
    I think it was the 'charlie bit me' one
  • tmk221
    I don't wanna live on this world anymore...
  • NuclearShadow
    I loved the Gangnam Style music video as did almost everyone else. I'm not surprised at all that it became #1. I'm happy for them the entire thing was brilliant and they deserve all the success they got.
  • icepick314
    is that # of clicks or full views?

    didn't Youtube recently changed their count where it only goes up if you view from beginning to end instead of just clicking the video then you can exit?
  • freggo
    Justin who...?
  • dark_knight33
    One dumb fad replaces another... Sad with all the content on youtube, that these are the two most watched videos.

    That said, I'm glad PSY pushed that douche off the top. About time JB gets taken down a notch.
  • kyzarvs
    This was reported on the BBC (not exactly the fastest outlet for this kind of news) two days ago?