Create a Wireless Network Using Wall Outlets

Last week during CES 2011, TRENDnet announced the launch of a new adapter that can create a wireless network from any outlet on an electrical system.

Called the 200 Mbps Powerline AV Wireless N Access Point (TPL-310AP), the device combines TRENDnet's high performance Powerline technology with a 300 Mbps Wireless N access point, the latter offering Access Point, Client, WDS and Mesh mode functionality. The outlet-based adapter also includes additional features such as One-touch Wi-Fi Protected Setup, four SSIDs, different encryption for each SSID, WMM Quality of Service data prioritization, WPA2-RADIUS encryption, MAC Access Control, and Spanning Tree support.

But how does it work? Consumers will already need a router up and running on their home or business network. One adapter connects directly to the router while all other adapters can plug into any wall outlet mounted on the same electrical system. Users then connect the adapters together by pressing the one-touch Sync button.

TRENDnet said that Advanced AES encryption keeps the connection secure across the building's electrical system. LED displays convey device status for easy troubleshooting, and Quality of Service (QoS) technology prioritizes video, audio, and online gaming. The adapter also goes into standby mode when not in use, reducing power consumption by 70-percent.

"If users need to extend wireless coverage throughout their home, our TPL-310AP can save them time," stated Zak Wood, Director of Global Marketing for TRENDnet. "Users simply pick an outlet on their electrical system for which to plug in the TPL-310AP, then link it to another Powerline adapter that is connected to their router--this provides wireless access to their network and the Internet."

The 200 Mbps Powerline AV Wireless N Access Point will cost $109.99 each when it becomes available in February. As it stands, consumers will need at least two of these adapters, however TRENDnet may offer a starter kit in the near future.


Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • festerovic
    This is a great idea, but they've had similar products for almost twenty years. My experience with similar products was that you only got the max bandwidth if your power wires were really clean. I can't imagine this would work well in an office environment. Time for some testing.
  • jdog2pt0
    Latency is supposed to be really bad.
  • 2real
    old technology is old
  • why is this news? from 2002; there's an article on PCworld for HomePlugs, doin the same damn thing.
  • g00fysmiley
    pre 2002... i had wall outlets for me and my sister to play unreal in different rooms back in 2000 and it was old tech then
  • of the way
    As the article states, they're using existing tech, and adding wireless. Not huge news, but it is somewhat new.
  • jhcruser
    DirecTV uses the power-lines for there HD DVR to play shows on any normal receiver in the house. I didn't have any trouble with it in my house although it was a newer house (2006). I later bought two $40 buffalo routers to hook both of them up to my wireless network and internet and transfer HD video that way. I liked the reliability of the power lines better, had several issues like having to reboot routers and so forth using the wireless instead of the power lines. The receivers wouldn't let me use both.
  • casperstouch
    I is using a Point to Point secure system not just broadcasting the internet through the power lines. It is then using that secure connection on the other side to broadcast a WiFi signal. This 200Mbps would be a good alternative to stream netflix to your PS3 faster then any WiFi as you can connect directly to the secured router. This would bypass running a separate Ethernet cable if you router is located in another part of the house then the PS3. The $109 on each end does seem high. I will stick with the cable myself.
  • warmon6
    Wow, looks like some people missed the point. Yeah what this tech needs is a wall outlet. Nothing new.

    Although most of you seamed to of overlooked was the wireless part...........
  • toughbook
    Plaster Networks has the best one's out in my opinion. They are extremley fast, stable, and easy to use. You don't have to push no steakin button! You also can go into a web browser and look at your complete network and see all the info you will ever need. They are awseome. and alot cheaper than these.