Netflix Now Available on Nintendo Wii; No HD

Nintendo announced on Monday that Netflix has finally arrived on the Nintendo Wii console. The popular video streaming service, which has already appeared on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles, will bring the latest movies and TV shows straight to the console at no extra cost for current subscribers. Wii owners will merely need to request the free, special playback disk which should arrive by the next business day at the least.

"More than 28 million people already use the Wii console to play games, stay fit and have fun," said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. "Now they have another reason to use the system every day--to enjoy great movies from Netflix and other video content."

The drawback to using the Nintendo Wii version of Netflix is that it won't stream HD content thanks to the console's hardware limitations--it can't even do 720p. Subscribers wanting video higher than the standard resolution can stream the content to the PC, or try the service via the other two consoles.

Outside the streaming disc, movie and TV buffs will need to sign up for the $8.99 service or greater, and have a broadband connection. To see how you can connect the Nintendo Wii to the Netflix service, check out this video via BusinessWire--the clip is super cheesy (except for Alison), so viewer beware.


Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • meat81
    I have ps3 and wii. I already use the streaming for ps3 but curious to see how it will look on Wii. I already requested my wii disc.
  • halls
    I used a free trial to check out the service on the PS3, and I was impressed.
    It's really too bad the Wii isn't set up for something as simple as HD video. Nintendo needs to stop kidding itself, such a limitation is no longer catering to its "target market", it's a limitation.
  • MooseMuffin
    "Subscribers wanting video higher than the standard resolution can stream the content to the PC, or try the service via the other two consoles."

    Not true. The PC can't do HD streaming from netflix yet either.
  • nevertell
    hallsI used a free trial to check out the service on the PS3, and I was impressed.It's really too bad the Wii isn't set up for something as simple as HD video. Nintendo needs to stop kidding itself, such a limitation is no longer catering to its "target market", it's a limitation.Pfft, the target market can't even distinguish between a SD and a HD image without them two being side by side.
  • zorky9
    The Wii's main selling point is the game experience. Who needs HD for that? I'd rather have the Wii stay at it's current price (or lower) than it having HD with the same gameplay at a higher cost.

    Still, this is good news for cWii owners who don't mind low-res movie streaming.
  • danimal_the_animal
    netflix streaming is lower than dvd quality with my experience....and i have a 40 meg connection!

    the wii will look no different.....

    you only take a hit in quality if you drop below 8 meg down on your connection.....
  • gtvr
    I got my disk for the Wii about 3-4 weeks ago. Watched a few movies on it so far. Once you get past the setup, it's pretty simple. Picture looked nice on my TV. Movie controls were very basic, no real DVD menu. No subtitles (similar to Netflix streaming on my PC).
  • danimal_the_animal
    netflix streaming is NOT HD.....its 480i at best...wii will look no better than xbox or PS3 because of the low quality of netflix streaming in the first place....

    about the only way it will ever look good is if you are still using a cheapo tube TV
  • tayb
    Alright now I can stream on all three of my consoles if I want to. The 360 still has the best experience though because of the ability to manage and add to your instant que without having to go online.
  • hack__you
    Netflix is now looking at Etch-a-sketch tie up