Relic Lead Designer Killed, Saving Pregnant Wife

Relic Entertainment lead designer Brian Wood was killed Friday in an auto accident that took place in Washington state. Wood's wife of five years, Erin Wood, said that he made a split-second decision to maneuver the car just before impact so that she would live to give birth to their first child.

Wood was driving their 2004 Subaru Outback to the family home on Whidbey Island when an out-of-control 1994 Chevy Blazer came bearing down the highway. To avoid a head-on collision and minimize the damage, Wood slammed on the brakes and turned a sharp right so that the oncoming car would slam into the driver's side of the vehicle.

"All the policeman say that if we had hit the car head-on all of us would be dead," Erin Wood said. "At the very last second (Brian) braked really hard and turned right so that he would be put in the path of the SUV and not me and the baby, and that is the only thing that saved us both."

The Chevy Blazer, carrying four occupants, crossed over the center line when the driver tried to remove her sweater--the other front seat passenger took control of the wheel. When Wood braked and swerved, the Chevy Blazer plowed over the Subaru and crushed the roof with its wheels. Using the Subaru as a makeshift ramp, the SUV launched into the air, landed on its roof, and then rolled back over onto its wheels.

Although Wood was killed, his wife didn't emerge unscathed--she received a non-life-threatening head injury. Two passengers in the rear of the SUV--both not wearing seat belts--were killed, and the passenger suffered a broken pelvis. The driver is currently in custody awaiting formal charges of three counts of vehicular homicide and one count of vehicular assault. Both the driver and passenger are under investigation related to drug use.

As for the baby, it's still on track for a November 5 appointment, unharmed by the accident.

"I am not quite sure how I am supposed to live the rest of my life without [Brian]," Erin Wood said. "He truly was a gift and I wouldn’t change a thing of any of our moments together. (The baby is) due Nov. 5 so it will come quick and then I look forward to seeing little glimpses of Brian in our baby and that gives me a lot of strength right now."

Brian Wood was known for his work on the Company of Heroes series.


Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • sliem
    Dang I was just playing Company of Heroes.
    RIP Brian Wood the Hero.
  • treefrog07
    God Bless the innocents.
  • FUtomNOreg
    Dude, he had balls. "The greatest love is this, that one man lays down his life for another."
  • nforce4max
    Somethings in life are worth dieing for and this is one of them. This man is a hero and sadly most people only take the easy way out.

    Rest in Peace..... A moment of silence.

  • adikos
    read about this earlier on kotaku. such a sad story, but least the man was a gamer till the end and knew it was about the team and the objective and less about the self. I'm glad to hear his wife and soon to be child are okay, his spirit will live on.

    "True Sacrifice"
    the achievement you can only earn once.
  • plznote
    That Bravery is amazing.
  • IM0001
    So sad. No need to flame the drivers of the Blazer, they definitely are going to pay for what they did. Good man Brian and your quick thinking while driving. You will be missed.
  • spentshells
    obviously a good man I'm sure he will be missed.
  • nightcrawl3r
  • a-a-a
    Good man to think on his feet, not panic and do what any husband should be willing to do.

    The man has earned my respect and that isn't given out freely.
