Toshiba Reveals Write-Once SD Card

Wednesday Toshiba of Japan revealed (translated) a Write Once Memory Card for use in government agencies and businesses. As the name implies, data can be written only once to the card, mimicking CDs and DVDs but without the annoying traits that plague optical media.

Now arriving in Japan, the 1 GB Write Once Memory Card is an ideal solution for saving sensitive data in a time where it's far more easier to store or transport a small card than a disc. Police agencies could store crime scene images and other evidence to the card, or photographers may simply want someplace to permanently store their originals before porting them into Photoshop for edits.

On the malware front, the card would be ideal in preventing malicious code from jumping from PC to PC. In many cases, an infected PC accessing an unlocked SD card or USB device can unknowingly dump malware onto the media, thus infecting other PCs accessing the card or stick later on. As long as the original PC is clean, a Write Once Memory Card should prevent this type of digital epidemic.

What's not clear is how much the Write Once Memory Card will cost, or if it will be distributed in a pack similar to old 3.5-inch floppy disks There's also no indication of when this new media will arrive in the States, but there's a good chance it will be introduced into the American market sometime this year.

Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • nhat11
    Not bad, gives people a choice if its cheap
  • 11796pcs
    I really like this idea actually, I was sceptical when I first read the title but I think it could be useful. If I remember correctly a while back I had a zip drive and using a small little switch on the side it would allow you to switch the drive for normal to read-only. Only downside is of course, making sure you use all of the space possible on the drive.
  • akom
    Far more easier you say?
  • Burodsx
    So now in 30 years from now we'll have huge trash piles of these at the land fills.
  • user 18
    Capacity ought to be higher - A rewritable DVD seems like a better option
  • @11796pcs

    look carefully.... all memory cards have that switch too including SD ( hint it's that little slide thing on the left)
  • mister g
    Don't SD cards already have a tab on the left side that locks the card into read-only mode like those on floppy discs?
  • mister g
    Dang it the guy above beat me to it by 30 seconds.
  • megajynx
    Could do wonders for an OS install, esp. if it its cheaper than traditional SD cards without compromising throughput performance.
  • pjmelect
    How would it being a write once media in anyway stop malware from spreading?