Watch a Lizard Play a Touchscreen Game With Its Tongue

We've seen small children play with touchscreen devices with little or no problems, and there are even cat games for entertaining your feline friends, but lizards like to play games too, even if they can't use their little feet as input devices.

Check out this video uploaded to YouTube by user 'ThatSpecialGuy.' The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australian Philip Gith, the man behind the username, filmed his bearded dragon 'Crunch' playing a bug squishing game on his phone. Gith says he has another bearded dragon, but it's not as interested in the game as Crunch.

Gith says he's had all sort of people contact him about the video, including the from the folks at Good Morning America. He says that other people on YouTube have posted video responses that show them trying to get their dragon to do the same thing to no avail.

Check out the cute little critter below:

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • de5_Roy
    nice video clip!
    Ahh, so that's what my coworkers are doing with their touch screens at work! It's all making sense, now.
  • michalmierzwa

    B.F. Skinner would have been impressed, his dog wouldn't be able to do that!
  • madooo12
    what's so impressive about it

    maybe it thought them real ants
  • nekromobo
    This is why they created the InternetZ
    Good one Jane!!!
    Lets just say, choosing this story was in good taste ;)
  • Camikazi
    Poor dragon :( it's hoping to get a quick meal and gets nothing for all it's work.
  • digiex
    My pet frog can do that too, with more accuracy at longer distance. ^_^
  • fandroid
    Heh saw this elsewhere days ago ... as usual.
  • stingstang
    Awww. I miss my bearded dragon...