VP Joe Biden Meeting with Gun and Games Industry Concludes, No Official Statements Yet

Last week, Vice President Joe Biden gathered industry leaders from videogame and gun industries to discuss the issue of gun violence after the tragedy in Sandy Hook.

According to Polygon's sources, so far, things are shaping up to look like the videogame industry will maintain the status quo. Apparently, the vice president was "cordial" and "reasonable" when discussing videogame violence with industry professionals ESA president Michael Gallagher, ESRB president Patricia Vance, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg, EA CEO John Riccitiello, Epic Games former president Mike Capps, and ZeniMax CEO Robert Altman.

The vice president made it clear that he was not singling out the videogame industry, stating "I come to this meeting with no judgment," he said. "You all know the judgment other people have made."

"We're anxious to see if there is anything you can suggest to us [the government]," he stated, because the U.S. has had a "problem beyond quote-unquote massacres."

The goal of Biden's meeting with the entertainment and gun groups is to get a proposal on how the nation is to deal with gun violence. He was tasked with it by President Obama after the elementary school shooting. Whatever Biden's findings are, it's assumed that Obama will be addressing them during his State of the Union speech, which is to come sometime this month.

The good news for concerned gamers is that the vice president doesn't appear to be going the path of be scapegoating the videogames industry like many other politicians and pro-gun groups have done. "We know there is no silver bullet," the vice president said, "we know this is a complex problem. We know there's no single answer."

Biden's meeting with the videogame industry is available for public viewing on YouTube, here.


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Catherine Cai is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Tom's Guide, Tom's Hardware, VG 24/7, RipTen, and The Game Fanatics. She has also worked as a lead producer for video game projects, a manager and lighting director for the stage, and a software engineer. Currently, she works as a Production Engineering Manager for Shopify.

  • shikamaru31789
    As long as they don't try to do something crazy like ban GTA V, I'll be happy.
  • cuecuemore
    An expert like Biden should be able to make everything all better. But seriously, games still aren't the problem.
  • Xatos
    Nothing like a genius VP getting the job done alongside the One.

    I'm so damned tired of this stupid liberalism crap.
  • edogawa
    Games have nothing to do with the violence...if they start banning violent games like GTA, I will rage.
  • Nakal
    You aren't exactly helping the point edogawa ..

    I hope they don't start banning games or other entertainment. THere are rating systems for a reason, it is up to parents to know what is best for children.
  • neoverdugo
    The last thing the US needs is that "scumbag" of VP to mess with the video game industry as he Nuked Megaupload. Like I said before: Ban the sale of semi-auto and automatic guns to ALL CITIZENS, and Ban the sale of mentally and emotionally unstable idiots!!!
  • neoverdugo
    Ban the sales of guns to mentally and emotionally unstable idiots!!!
  • jhansonxi
    XatosNothing like a genius VP getting the job done alongside the One. I'm so damned tired of this stupid liberalism crap.You obviously don't have a clue how laws are passed in the USA. The House of Representatives writes them. Then Senate has to approve them, then the President.
  • Ragnar-Kon
    You know parents.... video games have ratings for a reason. Stop buying M rated games for your 12 year old and they might not ever get the dumb idea to play shoot-em-up in real life 10 years down the road.
  • jhansonxi
    edogawaGames have nothing to do with the violence...if they start banning violent games like GTA, I will rage.They won't, and the USA constitution says so (freedom of speech). The only reason the games industry is being dragged into the discussion is because the NRA was blaming them (an the lack of mental health services) for the Sandy Hook massacre.