HP: News on More TouchPads in the "Next Few Days"

HP last week ignited chatter of additional TouchPad stock with a 'notify me' page instructing interested parties to sign up for an email when more stock became available. This, combined with a blog post that said there would be more available 'shortly' has bargain-hungry gadget hounds whipped into a frenzy. Nobody wants to miss out on the incredible $99 TouchPad deal a second time so they want to know when exactly the new stock will be arriving.

In a blog post published today, HP's Mark Budgell clarified some points about additional TouchPad stock and reiterated how shocked HP was at the overwhelming demand for the tablet.

"We have been surprised by the enthusiastic response to the TouchPad price drop, and we understand that many customers were disappointed that HP and our retail partners ran out of supply so fast," he said, before revealing that HP has taken last week's notify me page down due to demand.

"I also want everyone to know that that we’ve pulled down the "notify me" page due to an overwhelming number of requests to be notified. Those who signed up will receive an email as soon as more information is available. In the meantime, I will continue to provide updates here and on Twitter, along with my colleague Bryna."

The Q&A included in his post also addresses some rather important questions, such as, will there be more stock for those outside the United States? (No.) Budgell says in the FAQ that when the new stock does arrive, everyone who signed up for the email will be sent it at the same time. He also says the company will have more information on the availability of extra stock in the next few days. In response to concerns that some folk were ordering multiple TouchPads just to sell them online, Budgell says that when additional stock becomes available, HP will be limiting the number of TouchPads each customer can buy.

Stay tuned, we'll bring you more on this as soon as we hear anything!

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • darkguset
    As soon as they flood the market, they can release a statement about a "hack" that can make them run Android... then their market share will grow overnight...
  • zoemayne
    you know they say they are moving to S/W if they are smart they can give the H/W away at a low price and if their platform is successful enough they can compete w the "app store"
  • Azn Cracker
    Is this gonna be like phones? Where you pay a low price for them and then get screwed by the service?
  • joytech22
    I wonder how many more waves of these things will come.
    I doubt I'll be able to jump in and grab one, considering how popular these things are because of the firesale. I can only imagine trying and the website continuously crashing or something.
  • theranish
    darkgusetAs soon as they flood the market, they can release a statement about a "hack" that can make them run Android... then their market share will grow overnight...It's well in the works. http://androidcommunity.com/hp-touchpad-android-2-2-1-system-dump-files-now-available-20110825/
  • legacy7955
    Note to HP you CAN make a profit on volume sales. I think HP got a wake up call because the US economy stinks so if you want to make a profit you have to make the products affordable so you can make up the shortfall in profit on massive volumes of sales.
    Now if HP would roll back the prices on their PCs a bit, say 15-20%, I can promise they would see a FLOOD of increased sales volumes that will result in increased profits.

    It's the economic times HP, you can't act as if this is the late 90s.
  • kryzzay
    Mobicity in Australia say they will have the raw materials to make the Touchpad and will be selling it in 1-2 weeks but at a much higher cost.

    What's to say other countries don't have the raw materials as well? I bet there will be a lot of them floating around.
  • captaincharisma
    i think they don't even need a hack. wasn't it reported some dude got a touch pad that already had android on it?
  • keczapifrytki
    Hopefully I can get one for my wife for the awesome price of $150 (32GB).
  • user_ace
    i will be byuing one too for $99 but i dont know why???