Google and Verizon Announce Android Partnership

With Android handsets popping up all over the place, Verizon Wireless customers were no doubt starting to feel a little left behind. Verizon and Google announced a joint press conference this morning and, while there were no fancy new products to oooh and aaah over, the two companies did promise us something in the next few weeks.

The agreement will see Verizon and Google co-develop several Android-based devices with the help of leading handset manufacturers.Verizon went on to promise that the agreement would come to fruition with devices (plural!) being launched in the next few weeks.

Any Verizon Wireless customers planning on ditching their current phone for an Android device as soon as they can? Let us know in the comments below!

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • ryanegeiger
    Wonder how they will treat the OS (frontend), given their "everything must look like Verizon or die" attitude.
  • bfstev
    wonder if itll run chrome OS
  • tayb
    Hm. I wonder if Google has a special "Verizon" version of their OS that strips down most of the cool features so Verizon can have it's silly propriety tools plugged in there. Google, unlike Apple, probably has no problem selling Verizon a specific "Verizon version" of the Android OS. More sales are more sales.

    I dropped Verizon because of the way they handle headsets but if this is a true Android device that might be signaling a change in direction for the company. Rumor has it the Palm Pre is heading over to Verizon as well... when that happens I'll probably jump ship and head back over.
  • thbrett
    Oh God Yes!!!... So sick of the crappy phones Verizon has, have had the same phone for 4 years because they did not have anything worth getting.
  • thbrett
    Oh God Yes!!!... So sick of the crappy phones Verizon has, have had the same phone for 4 years because they did not have anything worth getting.
  • If they don't lock out out the cool features and cripple it like Verizon normally does, I will definitely upgrade.
  • nerdherd
    I've heard rumors elsewhere that three different Andriod phones will be hitting Verizon this year. The Omnia 2 looks amazing, but I've always been a fan of Google stuff so maybe I'll have to wait and see what happens. I haven't tried Android personally yet, but online reviews look pretty dang cool.
  • nachowarrior
    i got a new phone, but it was free... i'll be selling it soon, it's in near mint condition, has like 2 weeks use on it if that. :-p
  • mcshasta
    My contract ends in a few weeks. What a coincidence?! Just hope they aren't too pricey.
  • Hitokage
    I'm actually already planning to get one of their new Android phones, it'd be awesome to see an open-source-ish (ish being hopeful for Verizon) OS on a Verizon phone.

    I'll miss my LG Voyager though.