Horse-Boy Spotted On Google Street View

We've seen all kinds of people on Google Street View. Whether it's the Stig, a couple of guys goofing off with their van, or musicians who want to be noticed, a lot of people have made it their mission to be photographed by the Google Street View team.

However, of all the weird things we've seen on Street View, this is probably up there with the strangest of them. Pictured in Aberdeen, Scotland, this man wearing a horse's head has sparked curiosity around the world. He's been dubbed horse-boy by British media and the BBC says people from all over Europe have been emailing in sightings and images of the man with the horse mask. There have apparently been sightings of him in Germany, Norway, Cardiff, and Norwich. Others have sent in photos of men wearing the same mask, claiming they are horse-boy.

If you visit horse-boy on Google Maps you can actually see that he's not a boy but an older man with snow-white hair. Though it's impossible to see his face, you can see him approach with the mask on if you move down the road a bit and turn around. If you go in the opposite direction you can see him take the mask off and walk back in the direction he came from, mask in hand.

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • stingstang
    WOAH! When did the Stig make an appearance?!
  • outacontrolpimp
    Why did he take it off...
  • jerreece
  • flaminggerbil
    Got to love Google Street view when it's not making dubious breaches of privacy.
  • sliem
    Weird stuff.
  • maban
    Damn furries are everywhere I tell you! EVERYWHERE!!!
  • JMcEntegart
    stingstangWOAH! When did the Stig make an appearance?!
    Twice!! Once in the BBC offices and once beside Loch Ness. I'll add the images to the article for you. :)
  • dragonsqrrl
    omg that's scary...
    lol, anyone ever seen Full Metal Panic Fumoffu?
  • Diabolical User
    dragonsqrrlomg that's, anyone ever seen Full Metal Panic Fumoffu?
    Yep. :D
  • Strider-Hiryu_79
    Question : In Scotland if enough people spotted this guy wearing the horse mask would they call the nearest mental institution?

    Because I know in Canada they would. Especially with all this G20 summit stuff going on.