Browser Plug-In Will Delete Your Ex From Internet

So you--a studly guy looking for a date--were talked into the whole Internet match-making deal and reluctantly set up an online profile. Eventually you attract a few nibbles and are thus lead to email exchanges. Letters are tossed back and forth for a while until you finally narrow the list down and graduate to a chat client. You're hooked. The conversation is intelligent. The photos are gorgeous. Next thing you know, you're sitting at a restaurant waiting for the Internet angel to appear. Only she has a beard. Or perhaps it was a he posing as a she. It's all a blur as you rush out the door.

Back at home, you delete the online profile. Only that's not enough. The mystery date is also your friend on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other social websites. He/she has your email addresses, your IM screen name(s). There's no escaping without deleting accounts and starting from scratch. What's a guy to do? Install an "ex" blocker plugin, that's what. Designed for Firefox and Chrome, the Ex-Blocker plugin literally blocks all traces of the ex-significant other from your side of the Internet.

Although it's not clear how the plugin will actually block names from the entire Internet, it asks users to simply fill in the full name, Twitter username, Facebook address, and blog url in this form. Want to block an ex-girlfriend or boyfriend? Just add another "ex" and the plugin will filter them out. The only drawback to this "ex-blocker" is that users will need to manually apply filters to email clients. It may also block other people who share the same name. Chat clients naturally have a built-in blocker so users will need to make that manual adjustment as well.

According to JESS3, the plugin's developer, Ex-Blocker has blocked over 833 "exes" thus far. A few more will be added by the time I'm done with this article.


Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • ubernoobie
    there is a easier and safer way to get rid of your ex, say sorry or a slap in the face then ditch her and say i forgot as ur excuse when she catches you. After excuse, run the **** away
  • requiemsallure
    ubernoobiethere is a easier and safer way to get rid of your ex, say sorry or a slap in the face then ditch her and say i forgot as ur excuse when she catches you. After excuse, run the **** awaylol
  • eddieroolz
    Kinda like Shaved Bieber, I suppose. Used that one for a while until it made Firefox too heavy to use.
  • Minus_i7
    I made up a game where you guess which Tom's guide contributor put up which article before you click on it. Until this one I was 9/9 on Jane's.
  • eklipz330
    awesome, now i never have to see Jane McEntegart ever again!
    yea, but if you block them sure you can't see them, but wont then they just talk crap about you and you wont be able to defend yourself cause you wont see it?
  • joytech22
    winterlordyea, but if you block them sure you can't see them, but wont then they just talk crap about you and you wont be able to defend yourself cause you wont see it?
    Who cares? most of the crap they talk about will be to "their" friends, because none of your friends would believe the "Ex" in the first place.
  • grieve
    Crazy bit*hes!

    While this app seems to have a purpose, frankly i would not use it. I prefer to deal with important issues myself... the human factor 4tw!
  • blasterth
    A question pop up in my mind: is Kevin Parrish homophobic?
  • Can't you do the same thing with a hammer and a shovel?