100 Mbps Could Finally Be Possible on DSL Lines

Ikanos Communications revealed a new technology that allows for over 100 megabits per second (Mbps) speeds across a DSL line. Typically DSL connections only provide around 1.5 Mbps depending on the provider and local hardware. Cable can theoretically handle 30 Mbps however most broadband providers usually offer various packages up to 15 Mbps.

Called NodeScale Vectoring, Ikanos' technology analyzes the crosstalk and interference environment of copper wire pairs in real time and creates a unique set of compensation signals that effectively eliminates both. Normally the crosstalk between coincident copper wire pairs generates noise that limits the connection quality and reduces overall VDSL performance.

Ikanos said that NodeScale Vectoring can eliminate noise across an entire network node from 192 to 384 ports or more, meeting current service provider deployment requirements. "With Ikanos’ unique and patent-pending algorithms, compression and coding techniques, service providers can deliver 100 Mbps performance at the scale necessary to support their growing subscriber bases via a cost-effective commercial silicon and software solution," the company said.

The complete NodeScale Vectoring system includes compatible line cards, Vector Computation Engines and G.vector-ready customer premises equipment. Ikanos said the system can be deployed "flexibly" to increase the performance of existing VDSL nodes, as part of ADSL network upgrades and in copper plants that previously served only plain old telephone service (POTS).

NodeScale Vectoring will be demonstrated this week by ZTE Corporation at the Broadband World Forum on October 26 - 28. Ikanos will also introduce its NodeScale Vectoring solution during the tradeshow in a conference session entitled "Advancing the State of the Art - ITU-T G.vector Standard Surpasses Fiber Performance Over Copper."

Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • c_for
    Great news for us here in Canada where DSL is the only option for unlimited bandwidth services. Especially now that netflix is here.
  • jrharbort
    Technology based on a 19th century invention, possibly becoming the future of internet communications?


    And here I am, sitting on my 30Mbps cable connection. I seriously never thought DSL could ever be improved, but I am proven wrong. :x
  • jlpoole
    Certainly takes the wind out of the sails for the Google Fiber Project; now 1,000 cities who applied for and will not not be selected for Google Fiber have a very handsome alternative.
  • palladin9479
    Ahh but DSL has a limit to how far away from the telco you can be. Fiber can be run for much longer distances and only needs a small local relay to hit a whole area.
  • nforce4max
    It is amazing how much they are now getting out of 60 year old post World War 2 coax and decades old fiber only to charge a premium for it. I highly resent the idea of bandwidth caps.
  • pakardbell486dx2
    just let dsl die already geez
  • warmon6
    pakardbell486dx2just let dsl die already geez
    No no, DSL just fine for the average joe. It's dial up thats needs to die (yes i still know to many people still on it.)
  • terror112
    DSL is fine were I live, I get 7Mb/s constant speed at unlimited bandwidth. Although I like the Idea of having a 100Mb/s connection!
  • Shadow703793
    warmon6No no, DSL just fine for the average joe. It's dial up thats needs to die (yes i still know to many people still on it.)+1. Don't forget IE6!

    Anyways, I'm really pissed that they haven't provided this kind of speeds in the US much earlier. There is no real technical reason that prevented them. On to Fiber I say! Much more reliable and more future proof. Japan, China, India, Korea is far ahead of the US in terms of Fiber adoption.
  • terror112DSL is fine were I live, I get 7Mb/s constant speed at unlimited bandwidth. Although I like the Idea of having a 100Mb/s connection!
    I'm with you. I have an 8mb connection (terrible upload though). But, my DSL is extremely dependable. Cable is about 1.25x faster here, but twice as expensive as DSL if you don't carry their horrid cable TV service. The internet at my buddy's house goes out every time a thunderstorm rolls through. He calls and they are "upgrading the lines" in his area, lol....