Dev Angry Over App Approval, Apple Responds

The wishy-washy method in which Apple approves, rejects, publishes, and un-publishes applications for the App Store is nothing new: most developers and consumers know there's something fishy with the entire process. The controversy, in fact, has caught the attention of the FCC in regards to rejections of Google Voice and similar applications. Even last week developer Daring Fireball lashed out at Apple for rejecting a dictionary application.

According to the Unofficial Apple Weblog, the latest developer to complain is Steven Frank, a co-founder of Mac developer Panic. Steamed over the Google Voice rejections, Frank declared his intentions to boycott the iPhone altogether until Apple corrects the problem with the App Store approval process (even though the company is currently not an iPhone developer). Frank vented his frustrations by posting his feelings here.

"My position is not that every app should be approved -- it's that rejected apps should be rejected for reasons that at the very least make consistent, logical sense, without garbage form-letter rejection notices that explain nothing, and with at least some sort of guidance available to the developer about how to fix the problem instead of meeting them with a brick wall," Frank said on his blog.

However, over the weekend Frank received an email response from Apple's senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, Phil Schiller. Frank said that he did not have Schiller's permission to republish the letter, but summarizes in this blog that Apple is "listening to your feedback." Schiller said that the company was absorbing all the viable suggested solutions provided by developers as the company continues to "evolve" the App Store.

Kevin started taking PCs apart in the 90s when Quake was on the way and his PC lacked the required components. Since then, he’s loved all things PC-related and cool gadgets ranging from the New Nintendo 3DS to Android tablets. He is currently a contributor at Digital Trends, writing about everything from computers to how-to content on Windows and Macs to reviews of the latest laptops from HP, Dell, Lenovo, and more. 

  • Hanin33
    shiller is a shill!
  • To hell with Apple and their idiocy. Just a company that thrives on suing over patents and claim they are better than everyone at everything. I still don't understand why people want glorified ipods with a crippled ability to use it as a phone, if you can get a signal. When Steve Jobs isn't around as the CEO anymore, I bet they will bring Al Gore to the rescue. I think he would be a perfect fit. They can take over the world together, one idiot at a time.
  • war2k9
    1984 all over again. Apple does not learn from the pass, iphone and ipod touch will be the thing of the pass real soon.
    Keep up the good work apple here comes microsoft zune market place.
  • jokemeister
    Apple are laughing all the way to the bank. I'm sure their finance department couldn't care less about the problems considering there are so many apps that no one will miss the comparatively few that are rejected. All this controversy is simply publicity for Apple.
  • walkthetalk
    How is this any different than how Nintendo does business with application developers? Some companies CARE about what software is associated with their hardware. That is simply smart marketing and smart for business. That said if someone does develop an app. and it does meet the criteria then Apple should get out of the way.
  • mactruck
    Hard to listen to feedback over the thunderous roar of cash flowing in from the iPhone sheeple.
  • megamanx00
    Your App: Rejected

    Reason: We just felt like it

    Recourse: Pray to Steve Jobs.
  • grieve
    war2k91984 all over again. Apple does not learn from the pass, iphone and ipod touch will be the thing of the pass real soon.Keep up the good work apple here comes microsoft zune market place.I hate apple and thier apple tax so believe me this is not fanboy'ism...

    Your on crack! Zune is a good product, but hasn't a chance in hell of overtaking the ipod in sales. Ipod and touch will not be a thing of the past soon, the sales are as high as ever.... And as much as WE ALL hate it, the fact is Ipod is better then Zune.

    Apple doesnt care about the Apps they reject, there 36,000 strong anyhow.
  • trkorecky
    grieveAnd as much as WE ALL hate it, the fact is Ipod is better then Zune.The iPod is certainly more popular, but the Zune trounces the hell out of it. I fail to understand how as simple an operating system as the iPod runs, it still manages to freeze at least three times a week under normal usage. Really guys, do you employ apes to type your half-ass code?

    Thank goodness for RockBox, actually add functionality and SIGNIFICANTLY improve the iPod with drag-and-drop (read: no garbage iTunes requirement) music organization, FLAC support and no freezing, just to name a few.
  • eddieroolz
    Meh, it's Apple. The exact reason I would never even consider their products ever again.