Apple Pulls 500px App for Allowing Easy Access to Nude Pics

500px, a popular photography application for iOS, has been removed from the Apple App Store by the Cupertino firm based on allegations that it allowed easy access to nude photos.

"The app was removed from the App Store for featuring pornographic images and material, a clear violation of our guidelines," Apple said in a statement. "We also received customer complaints about possible child pornography. We've asked the developer to put safeguards in place to prevent pornographic images and material in their app."

500px has maintained its innocence, with the firm never hosting purely pornographic pictures, with the nude images which are published being artistic in nature and not vulgar.

"We don’t allow pornographic images. If something is purely pornographic, it’s against our terms and it’s deleted," said 500px COO Evgeny Tchebotarev. The company continued: "We take the issue of child pornography incredibly seriously. There has never been an issue or one complaint to us about child pornography. Although it has never happened, a complaint of this nature would be taken very seriously and would immediately be escalated to appropriate law enforcement agency. In all our conversations with Apple a concern about child exploitation was never mentioned."

500px, which has been downloaded over a million times, relies on its users to flag inappropriate images, but also offers an opt-out policy for nude images, which is enabled by default. The app itself has been available on iOS for nearly 16 months.


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Zak Islam
Contributing writer

Zak was a contributing writer at Tom's Guide with a focus on security, networking and general computing. As a fan of any and all news relating to hardware, graphics chips or CPUs, Zak has also written for other tech sites such as Tom's Hardware and Digital Trends.

  • dark_knight33
    How's that "app approval" process working for you now Apple fans? No malware, but also no choice what-so-ever in what you want to install. Reminds me of being a parent. I suppose you could jail-break and load up cydia, or you know, just get a real phone like a SGS3. ;)
  • dark_knight33
    Also: Well, at least you're safe from the sight of a boob. *gasp*
  • wolley74
    based on allegations that it allowed easy access to nude photos.
    so does safari, better pull it from iOS
  • dauntekong
    Boy: "Siri, Please show me your boobs..."

    Siri: "Please wait while I search for my private photo... Here you go..."


    Boy: *VOMITS* "OMG!"
  • dark_wizzie
    ...And what is wrong with pornography?
  • jankeke
    Is Apple trying to turn people into asexual drones ?
  • virtualban
    Hmmm... a browser allows me to find pornography rather easily too...
  • abbadon_34
    Best way to ban pornagraphy: claim child porn.

    Best way to shutdown any piece of the internet: claim child porn.
  • eiskrystal
    I went on their site and found this

    In a way, more disturbing than boobs.

  • jankeke
    eiskrystalI went on their site and found this a way, more disturbing than boobs.A kid with a toy gun ? That's hardly a disturbing or uncommon sight.