21 Malware Apps Google Removed From Android

Android Central reports that Google has used its kill-switch to pull 21 one applications found to contain a malicious exploit called rageagainstthecage. The exploit roots your phone (or tablet), which in turn allows the app to do all kinds of nasty things with your data.

Here’s a list of the apps that have been pulled:

  • Falling Down
  • Super Guitar Solo
  • Super History Eraser
  • Photo Editor
  • Super Ringtone Maker
  • Super Sex Positions
  • Hot Sexy Videos
  • Chess
  • 下坠滚球_Falldown
  • Hilton Sex Sound
  • Screaming Sexy Japanese Girls
  • Falling Ball Dodge
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Dice Roller
  • 躲避弹球
  • Advanced Currency Converter
  • App Uninstaller
  • 几何战机_PewPew
  • Funny Paint
  • Spider Man
  • 蜘蛛侠

The infected apps, all published by a developer called Myournet, were discovered by a Reddit user earlier this week. At least 50,000 people are said to have downloaded the apps. Google’s kill switch will have wiped the bad apples from users’ devices but Android Central reports that Google actually patched its source code to prevent this type of exploit, so users running Android 2.2.2 and up will not have been affected at all.

Further Reading:
Android Central

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • joytech22
    so users running Android 2.2.2 and up will not have been affected at all.

    Haha that must mean users of "Super Sex Positions" actually got what they we're looking for?
    And their phone got a root without them knowing, I wonder if they can run apps that need root support now
  • joshyboy82
    In a world of freedom, there's always a few bad eggs that ruin it for the rest of us. It's why there will never be a utopian society and why communism only sounds good on paper.
  • house70
    I wanted to post something, but scrolling through so much spam killed my thoughts...
  • scuba dave
    I wonder how many malware apps have had to be pulled by Apple?
  • Anomalyx
    scuba daveI wonder how many malware apps have had to be pulled by Apple?They're too busy pulling apps that they believe consumers shouldn't need.
  • milktea
    joshyboy82In a world of freedom, there's always a few bad eggs that ruin it for the rest of us. It's why there will never be a utopian society and why communism only sounds good on paper.How do know these bad eggs would exits in a utopian society when no one has ever lived in such society? These bad eggs could very well be the by-product of the present society we chose to live in.
  • retrig
    Milktea has it absolutely right. Our society breeds the bad eggs. Also, as a hint: The USSR and China were not true socialism (or communism).
  • scuba dave
    AnomalyxThey're too busy pulling apps that they believe consumers shouldn't need.
    Like 21 crappy apps filled with malware that were present in a sanctioned app store after making it through a less than adequate QA? ;P
  • candrwhite
    um... what???? Linux and it's variants are IMMUNE to MalWare!!!! Dagonnit!

    That's a Windows only problem.

    hmm... guess that one's out the window now...
  • scuba dave
    immune to PC malware.. Now stay on topic ;P