France is First to Get New 3D Porn Channel

Though many people find the idea of 3D TVs a bit gimmicky, for a lot of folks, adding porn to he mix suddenly makes 3D very interesting indeed. 3DRadar reports that the French will be the first to be offered a new 3D Video-on-Demand (VOD) service that will give customers access to over 60 exclusive HD 3D porn videos via French IPTV platform 3. More videos covering a variety of genres are to be added each week.

The service, which is being launched by Marc Dorcel Television in collaboration with 3DLized, is expected to eventually make its way to other European countries (including the United Kingdom). However, there is no indication as to when this might happen.

While the adult aspect of this venture will surely mean more attention for the raunchy VOD service, 3D TV channels are nothing new; the UK is no stranger to 3D soccer on TV, and ESPN launched a 3D channel in June of this year.

Read more about Marc Dorcel's 3D porn service on 3DRadar.

Source: 3DRadar via Gizmodo

Jane McEntegart works in marketing communications at Intel and was previously Manager of Content Marketing at ASUS North America. Before that, she worked for more than seven years at Tom's Guide and Tom's Hardware, holding such roles as Contributing Editor and Senior News Editor and writing about everything from smartphones to tablets and games consoles.

  • alyoshka
    Oh Yes it will have more
    Wanna bet? I've read about a thousand comments about how many guys /gals would love to have it in 3d :)
  • Kent_Diego
    Marc Dorcel is known for very well produced movies. Still 3D sounds like a gimic but we weill see.
  • christop
    The 3D TV I tried out at Sam's Club was cool but it bugged my eyes out after 10 minutes of watching.
  • jaysbob
    I'm not sure a 3D "money-shot" would really be what I'm looking for in adult entertainment.
  • calmstateofmind
    Is it just me or is the title of this article a bit redundant and repetitive?
  • liveonc
    Wow, now all the "losers" can stay at home & wait for their Wii add-ons or their augmented reality kit so all the Daroi's can entertain them & remove themselves from the gene pool thanks to Clinton's cure that doesn't work... ;-)
  • theshonen8899
    That thumbnail is hilarious.
  • guardianangel42
    Current 3d is going to get phased out. If you bought a 3D tv you just wasted several hundred, maybe thousand, dollars.

    Glasses free 3D is literally right around the corner, as in next two years. Nintendo has their 3DS, a handheld 3d gaming device that doesn't require glasses and can switch between 3D and 2D as well as define the depth of field.

    I believe Panasonic has several glasses free TV's in the works too.
  • doive1231
    Yeah, great accompanying picture.
  • Reynod
    I think we need to send Crashman over to France to check this out on our collective behalf.

    Jane, I am sorry but we just can't trust you to do this for us ...

    Alfred will hopefully let him bunk at one of his villas in France ...

    It's a worthy cause so I'll take up a collection.

    /stands naked in the street with a can
