Frontier Communications promo codes for September 2024


Save $10/mo. on your first year of YouTube TV at Frontier

Ends: Fri, Sep 12, 2025
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Upgrade to Fiber 2 gig to claim a $200 Visa reward card at Frontier

Ends: Sat, Sep 13, 2025
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Get 1 gig of fiber from just $64.99/month at Frontier

Ends: Sun, Sep 14, 2025
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Claim $10 off the fiber 1 gig plan in the sale at Frontier

Ends: Fri, Sep 27, 2024
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Enjoy $10 off the fiber 2 gig plan in the sale at Frontier

Ends: Thu, Sep 26, 2024
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Score $10 off the fiber 500 plan in the sale at Frontier

Ends: Sat, Sep 28, 2024
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Get a £10 discount on the fiber 200 plan in the Frontier sale

Ends: Fri, Oct 4, 2024
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Does Frontier offer coverage in my area?

Frontier does not yet cover the entire USA, with service only available in 25 states to date. However, you can check if you are in one of the eligible states through the brand's website. If you are, enter your ZIP code into the relevant field on the coverage map and you'll be shown how strong coverage is in the area, and if there are any deals currently on offer in your state.

Does Frontier charge for paper billing?

Frontier charges customers a paper billing fee if they opt o be sent physical copies of their bills. To avoid this, make sure you switch to paperless billing to receive digital copies of your bills - this service is completely free.

Is there a Frontier app?

Yes, customers can download the Frontier app for free from the Google Play or Apple App store. Once downloaded, just log in to your account and you can manage your payment, services and account settings, including billing.

What is the Lifeline Program?

The Lifeline Program is a federal scheme that offers discounts to low-income households, letting you get discounts of up to $9.25 per month for standard phone, internet or bundled service plan. To qualify, you'll need to verify that you are in receipt of benefits from a number of select government aid programs. You can get started with a free online form available through the Frontier website.

Hints and Tips

Shop Frontier deals: Frontier offers a number of deals on selected plans throughout the year, with more deals and better discounts usually popping up around key holidays such as Black Friday. You can expect to see as much as $120 off the first year of selected plans.

Sign up for auto-pay: If you set up auto-pay for your plan, Frontier will give you a discount of $10 off your selected plan each month. This is a simple way to save on your costs if you're comfortable with the money coming out of your month automatically.

Make the most of switch offers: If you're currently with another internet provider but you're looking to switch to Frontier, you'll find a number of switch offers that will give you better for money on your first plan. We've previously seen these include gifts such as a $200 Visa® Reward Card Upgrade when you take out a Fiber 2 Gig plan, or discounts on services such as $10 per month off your first year of YouTube TV.

Refer friends and family: If you have family or friends who are interested in joining Frontier, you can refer them to the provider by sending them your unique referral link. Once they've taken out a plan and their service has been confirmed active, Frontier will send you and your friend gift cards worth $150 as a thank you.

How to use Frontier Communications promo codes

1) Select one of the Frontier promo codes listed at the top of this page.

2) Click "Get Code" to reveal it in a new tab.

3) Copy the code to your clipboard, then head to your old tab to visit the Frontier website.

4) Find the products and plans you want to purchase, then head to the checkout when you're ready to buy.

5) Find the field marked "promo code" and paste your code here.

6) Click "Apply" and check your order total has changed to reflect your savings.

How we source coupon codes

The coupons you’ll find on Tom’s Guide have been sourced by our dedicated coupons team, who use the web, our relationships with retailers, & our affiliate networks to find the latest codes. The offers on each coupon page are updated every few days to ensure we feature the freshest ways to save, and our commercial team (based in London) also sources exclusive codes and sales info directly from some of the biggest retailers around.

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To ensure that all listed codes are available to use, we don’t include any one-time use or user-specific coupons. We also provide as much information as we can to keep things as clear as possible - any expiry dates or terms & conditions will be listed alongside the code. Look for the ‘Terms & Conditions’ text - you’ll be able to click this to expand this section for more details.

What to do if a coupon code doesn’t work

We take care to only list tried & tested coupons on our pages, so all codes should be active and confer the listed discount or deal. However, although we keep up to date with expiry dates and any terms & conditions, sometimes retailers change these before we can update our pages. 

Should a coupon fail to work as expected, check you meet any listed requirements. These can include minimum spends, multibuy offers, or product-specific promotions (i.e. 10% off selected tablets). You can view all associated requirements by clicking “View terms and conditions” below your code.

If this does not solve your issue, you can contact our customer service team by emailing Make sure to let us know which coupon you were trying to use and which page this was listed on, and we’ll be in touch to help as soon as possible.

How we make money 

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Thanks to this model, we can save our customers money without charging them a thing. You won’t pay a penny to get the discounts listed on our pages, so whichever code or deal you choose, you’ll get exactly what it says on the tin. 

If you're looking for more information on Tom's Guide coupons, you can also read more about How We Source Coupon Codes and How to Use Them on our dedicated page.

Louis Ramirez

As deals editor-in-chief at Tom’s Guide, Louis is constantly looking for ways to avoid paying full price for the latest gadgets, appliances, and apparel. With over 10 years of deals-hunting experience, Louis price checks against multiple retailers and searches high and low for the best deals to bring readers. He's also always on the look out for the best coupon codes to use when shopping. A born-and-bred New Yorker, Louis is also an avid swimmer and marathoner. His work has appeared on Gizmodo, CNET, and Time Out New York.

Rate Frontier Coupons

1 ratings with the average rating of 5 out of 5 stars.

About Frontier

Frontier Communications was founded in 1935 and began operating in natural gas, utility and telecoms before deciding to focus solely on telecoms in 1999. Nowadays, Frontier offers its customers a range of broadband and phone connection plans, priding itself on its 100% fiber-optic network that delivers speeds of up to 7 Gbps and is supported by the brand's own advanced WiFi hardware. Frontier currently provides coverage in 25 states and offers its customers uncapped data and no overage charges, as well as 24/7 tech support to help you stay online without issues. If you're looking to join the network, you can find the latest available Frontier promo codes on this page - find one you want to use and add it to your order to save.

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Written by

As deals editor-in-chief at Tom’s Guide, Louis is constantly looking for ways to avoid paying full price for the latest gadgets, appliances, and apparel. With over 10 years of deals-hunting experience, Louis price checks against multiple retailers and searches high and low for the best deals to bring readers. He's also always on the look out for the best coupon codes to use when shopping. A born-and-bred New Yorker, Louis is also an avid swimmer and marathoner. His work has appeared on Gizmodo, CNET, and Time Out New York.